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Welcome to The Global Voice! A live radio show that celebrates diversity in inclusion. Every episode features stories and conversations about ordinary people doing extraordinary things. 

Listen live every Sunday morning on CFCR 90.5FM Saskatoon Community Radio, or if you miss it you can hear all the shows here!

Presented by Saskatoon Open Door Society (SODS) and Saskatchewan Association of Immigrant Settlement and Integration Agencies (SAISIA)

Aug 24, 2021

CEO of MASALA Model and Talent, prominent game changer, mentor, motivational speaker, community leader, creative director, Paula does it all! Paula led YXE’s first ever Black Lives Matter protest in 2016 and is a social justice advocate for the black community. Paula talks about her community involvement, the concept...

Aug 19, 2021

Marina Iyeme-Eteng, popularly known as Marina Esiri, is a Nigerian- born Canadian residing in Saskatoon, Canada. Marina is a YouTube content creator who uses her platform to share information that makes settling into life in Canada more seamless for newcomers and foreign-trained professionals.

Aired live on CFCR 90.5FM...

Aug 11, 2021

From Newcomer to Pandemic Chief of Staff for Saskatoon, Dr. Takaya is inspired to help newcomers due to her own experience moving to a new country as a child. As co-physician lead for COVID-19 vaccines, Dr. Takaya jumped at the opportunity to help out with the very successful newcomer vaccination clinics, a...

Aug 10, 2021

Yulissa Campos is an Ecuadorian theatre artist and founding artistic director of Ay, Caramba! Theatre, currently based in Saskatoon. Yulissa loves to write universal stories that showcase and resonate with the underrepresented voices. She celebrates her Latinx heritage in her plays and her podcast, “Latinas in...